ΔzXeBbNh{wwm@OΣ΄m Tatsuhito Sanka,bs
The process of obesity 2
* So, why does obesity occur? Isnft it possible to prevent obesity because of the converting and the maintaining functions like written above?
* What is important here is that the conversion happens only in one way.
* An excess of energy intake generated by excessive eating would become glycogen and fat, and they would be stored in onefs body.
* The raw material of fat is made of sugar so that sugar is easily converted to fat.
* Now, the important thing about obesity which should not be forgotten is that the conversion of fat to sugar does not exist.
* How about when sugar is short in supply? Protein becomes glucose by gluconeogenesis.
* Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway which convert pyruvic acid and amino acid to D-glucose by doing the glycolysis backward. It is one way only, so sugar does not become protein in this pathway.
* Proper digestion and absorption can be said in another words as emild absorption of nutrientsf. Rapid absorption, as written above, makes fatty acid synthetase system in the liver active resulting in the storing of fat, which causes obesity. If a mild absorption carried out, fatty acid synthetase system in the liver would be inactive and the storing of fat inhibited.