ΔzXeBbNh{wwm@OΣ΄m Tatsuhito Sanka,bs
Privacy policy
To protect private information handled within this site, Tatsuhito Sanka observes law and other regulations.
* Acquisition of private information
In this site, private information may be collected for a questionnaire or, to answer a readerfs questions. For the questions obtained, personal data is collected to make the answer more accurate and precise.
* Use of private information
Obtained individual information may be used to send notices by e-mail if I decide the individual information is beneficial for the research institutes and other companies I am related to.
* Disclosure of private information
Information which can be used to objectively estimate an individual will not be given out except a case in which a formal request such as criminal investigation is given by the public agencies with the legal bases.
* Sending data of private information
E-mail magazines may be sent to individuals by using personal data obtained.
* Browsing, editing and erasing of private information
* Private information obtained may be browsed, edited and erased only when the information is objectively confirmed that it is of a certain individual.
* Protection and control of personal data
I handle the personal data I obtain with extra care as much as possible, taking into account protection and control of private information.
* Chief privacy officer
Chief privacy officer: Tatsuhito Sanka
E-mail: sanka@sanka.biz