Adiponectin 2
* In another words, if it is possible to increase the adiponectin production it is possible to change the swollen fat cells to healthy fat cells.
* It is known that the activities of enzymes in the fatty acid synthesis system of the liver decrease when digestion of sugar and fat by small bowel is mildly done.
* A decrease in the enzyme activity of fatty acid synthesis system of the liver means an inhibition against the storing of fat.
* Some components of sake lees are difficult to digest. The very valuable material newly invented containing a large amount of sake lees indigestible components can be gained by giving sake lees a fermentative treatment.
* A small fat cell produces a large amount of adiponectin as written above. Disturbance in onefs lifestyle such as excessive eating, inadequate amount of exercising and so on causes an increase in visceral fat, so the fat cells swell and get bigger.
* Swollen big fat cells produce a little amount of adiponectin and generate increased amount of leptin, TNF-Ώ which is thought to be a harmful cytokine, free fat acid, angiotensinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-T(PAI-T) and so on.
* Other than the superficial things like calorie intake calculation, vitamin intake, mineral intake, sugar intake etc. which are generally thought to be common knowledge in the field of dieting, the enzymes and the utilizable indigestible fiber are now becoming the important factors too.
- Written by TatsuhitoSanka. -