Ώ-lipoic acid 4
Ώ-lipoic acid works to convert sugar to energy inside human body. Although there are some individual differences, the amount of it inside human body decreases by aging.
As a result, the sugar inside human body is easily converted to fat.
In fact, eBurnf contains one more essential substance other than Ώ-lipoic acid. It is L-carnitine.
L-carnitine is famous and effective substance such that it is used in obesity clinics in the USA and it works to carry glucose and free fat energy (ATP) constantly, to mitochondria which convert sugar and fat to energy.
The blending balance of Ώ-lipoic acid and L-carnitin is quite difficult.
There are many supplement which containΏ-lipoic acid and L-carnitin but I do believe that my formula is the best and I can confidently recommend you to take my supplement.
- Written by TatsuhitoSanka. -