Metabolic syndrome ? the regular army5
It is right for both men and women to consider a start to work for a firm as an entry to the regular army of metabolic syndrome.
In such situation, people can be divided into two groups by so-called ‘constitutions’- a group of people who gain weight easily and a group of people who keep their body weight at the healthy level.
In the old days, exaggerated advertisement lines such as ‘put this cream on and your fat disappears!!’ or ‘this diet machine make sure you lose weight!!’ were used.
I noticed such ads but I was not really interested in diet products as I only ‘Vaguely’ felt the need of being on diet.
When I was about 28, I moved to the foreign affiliated firm and this made me start thinking about being on diet.
Almost all of the workers, men and women, in the foreign affiliated company were cool and fashionable as you can imagine from some stylish films.
In my 30’s and throughout the years till I was 52, I weigh about 85kg and so I was a senior member of the regular army of metabolic syndrome.
Now I weigh about 68kg.
Click on the ‘the escape form the metabolic syndrome’ button and read the article to find the secret of my dramatic weight loss.
- Written by TatsuhitoSanka. -